The Drunk / O Bêbado

The Drunk

Synopsis : Contemplating the failure of his life, Rogério drinks until losing control of his actions and involves himself in a bar brawl. His alcoholic drift takes him to the city port, where he falls asleep while watching passing ships. When a young woman appears in the night, seemingly running from something, Rogério offers to help and enters a nightmare he never imagined it could become his.

Festival History : "Molodist, Kyiv International Film Festival, 2023 "

Director : André Marques
Producer : Alexandre Oliveira
Screenplay : André Marques
DOP : Manuel Pinho Braga
Editor : André Marques, Pedro Augusto Almeida
Cast : "Teresa Madruga, Damian Oancea, António Melo, Jorge Vaz Gomes, João Pedro Vaz, Gonçalo Norton de Matos, David Pereira BastosVítor Roriz, Ina Esanu, Teresa Madruga, João Pedro Vaz, Damian Victor Oancea, Gonçalo Norton, Jorge Vaz Gomes, Sofia Dinger, António Melo, David Pereira Bastos, Flávia Gusmão, Ana Lúcia Palminha, Jorge Dias. "

André Marques

André Marques is a Portuguese film director, screenwriter and a musician. He currently lives in Portugal, having previously lived and worked in London and Bucharest.

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