Synopsis : Melody, a music teacher at a center for cancer-stricken children, embarks on a quest to compose a piece using the sounds of thirty different birds for the kids' party. With the help of a mute caretaker named Mango, she searches for the missing birds and an old village singer forced out by bird hunters.
Director :
Behrouz Sebt Rasoul
Producer :
Behrouz Sebt Rasoul
Screenplay :
Behrouz Sebt Rasoul
Ali-Mohammad Ghasemi
Editor :
Behrouz Sebt Rasoul
Cast :
Diman Zandi, Alireza Ostadi, Meghdad Eslami, Safar Haqdodov, Zulfiya Sadikova
Behrouz Sebt Rasoul is an independent Iranian filmmaker, screenwriter, editor, photographer, musician and author of two novels. Born in Tehran in 1970, though he graduated from the Karaj University of Industrial Engineering, his passion has always been the cinema. In 2013 he founded the company 'NAMA FILM'. He has made three music documentaries, one wildlife documentary and 28 documentary episodes about nature, all internationally acclaimed by both professionals and the public.