Synopsis : In a tiny rural village in Argentina, Rita Lopez, a pious yet insatiably competitive woman, decides that staging a miracle could be her ticket to sainthood. After discovering a lost statue in the back room of her chapel, she convinces her neglected but loving husband to help her orchestrate the grand reveal that will finally anoint her as the most admired woman in town. But before the unveiling, a jarring turn of events illuminates the hidden magic of her world, forcing her to reevaluate everything she once took for granted.
Festival History : SXSW Film Festival Austin, Texas March 14, 2023 US Premiere Winner - Adam Yauch Hornblower Award United States
Awards : Premiere Winner, Adam Yauch Hörnblower, SXSW
Director :
Tomas Gomez Bustillo
Producer :
Gewan Brown, Amanda Freedman
Screenplay :
Tomas Gomez Bustillo
Pablo Lozano
Editor :
Benjamin Tolentino
Cast :
Monica Villa, Horacio Anibal Marassi, Pablo Moseinco, Iair Said, Dahyana Ruth Turkie, Ana Silvia Mackenzie, Noemi Susana Ron, Silvia Porro, Hernan Bustamente, Mariano Maximovics, Nahiel Correa Dornell, Mauricio Minetti
Tomas (B; Argentina) studied Political Science in Buenos Aires and began his career directing commercials and music videos. He Mastered in Directing from the AFI Conservatory, Los Angeles. His award winning shorts have screened at Tribeca, Slamdance, Raindance, and Mar del Plata, among others. His debut feature Chronicles… premiered at South By South West where it received the Adam Yauch Hörnblower Award.