Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors / Zabutykh Predkiv

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors

Synopsis : "The two Hutsul clans have been at war for many years. In an atmosphere of bitterness and revenge, the pure, bright love of Ivan and Marichka, who belong to warring families, is born. Ivan is forced to go to work, Marichka at this time dies in the river abyss. Ivan finds his happiness only in his near-death delirium. Tini zabutykh predkiv became a turning point for the development of Ukrainian culture in the second half of the 20th century. Starting with the dissident scandal at the premiere of the movie at the Ukraine cinemas, continuing with the long confrontation of directors-followers of the “poetic” school with Soviet censorship, ending with the transformation of Parajanov’s film into a style icon for the young cinema of independent Ukraine. "

Director : Sergei Parajanov
Screenplay : Sergei Parajanov, Ivan Chendej
DOP : Yuri Ilyenko
Editor : Marfa Ponomarenko
Cast : Ivan Mykolaichuk, Larysa Kadochnikova, Tatiana Bestayeva, Spartak Bagashvili, Mykola Hrynko, Leonid Yengibarov, Nina Alisova, Oleksandr Hai, Neonila Hnepovska, Oleksandr Raidanov, Ihor Dziura, Valentyna Hlynko, Aleksei Borzunov, Hutsul people of Verkhovyn

Sergei Parajanov

"Before 1963 Sergei Parajanov directed four feature and three short documentary films. In 1964 his Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors and Wild Horses of Fire brought him world fame. In 1965 he began his work over an anti-war film Kiev Frescos , which was soon banned. In 1966 Parajanov was invited to Armenia where he started his work on Sayat-Nova. With great difficulties, this film was released on a screen in 1969 under the title The Colour of Pomegranates. It is considered to be his best work after which he was deprived of the possibility of making movies for 15 long years. "

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