
Synopsis : Set in the fictional village of Dakshina Kannada, the film explores the ideological conflict between humans and nature. The co-existence of a tribe living with the forest will be hampered by a forest officer who feels certain practices and rituals followed by the tribe pose a threat to mother nature. He questions the existence of their demigod which swirls a battle of ego along with traditions and culture associated with the land. Shiva the protagonist is a top racer at the Kambala Festival and poses a serious threat to the forest department as he continues hunting, illegal cutting and selling of precious forest trees. The forest department grills Shiva and his mates for vandalising the forest. The tribe believes that the forest was donated to them by a king aforetime. Will Shiva be able to reinstate peace and harmony in the village perceiving his existence forms the crux of the film.

Director : Rishab Shetty
Producer : Hombale Films LLP
Screenplay : Rishab Shetty
DOP : Aravind Kashyap
Editor : K K Prakash, Prateek Shetty
Cast : Rishab Shetty , Sapthami Gowda , Kishor , Achuth K

Rishab Shetty

Rishab Shetty is an actor and filmmaker in the Kannada film industry. Known for his critically acclaimed blockbuster, ‘Kantara’, he is recipient of several accolades, including the Best Children's Film at the 66th National Film Awards for ‘Sarkari Hi. Pra. Shaale, Kasaragodu, Koduge: Ramanna Rai’ his directorial debut and the entertainer ‘Kirik Party’.

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