The Young Arsonists

Synopsis : Set in 1980s rural Canada, director and visual artist Sheila Pye’s haunting feature debut follows a group of teenage girls — each suffering some form of family trauma — whose relationships with one another are both strengthened and tested over the course of a summer.

Festival History : TIFF

Director : Sheila Pye
Producer : Agata Smoluch Del Sorbo, Sonya Di Rienzo, Aeschylus Poulos
Screenplay : Sheila Pye
DOP : Michael LeBlanc
Editor : Lev Lewis
Cast : Maddy Martin, Jenna Warren, Sadie Rose, Madison Baines, Aaron Poole, Miranda Calderon, Measha Brueggergosman, Kyle Meagher, Joe Bostick, Lorcan DaSilva-Déiseach

Sheila Pye

Sheila Pye is an internationally acclaimed visual
artist and her short films have screened at
prestigious festivals including Locarno & TIFF.
Her short film, ‘The Red Virgin’, premiered at
TIFF in 2011 and won the Night of the Spanish
Sho rt Film Awa r d a t the Va ll a d o li d
International Film Festival in Spain.


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