Distance / Distanz


Synopsis : During a worldwide pandemic the marketing director Laszlo (48) isolates himself in his apartment due to a fear of contracting the virus. He avoids all human contact– even to his wife, Sabina, and their two children, who are staying at a vacation house. But one evening, his new neighbour Zoe (29) appears at his doorstep. ZOE's uninhibited relationship with KARL, which he now watches from the window, seems a welcome distraction in LASZLO's struggle to land new business and avoid his company's impending bankruptcy. DISTANZ was written during the lockdown, shot in just one apartment and produced completely independently.

Director : LARS KNORRN
Producer : Felix Leiberg, Walter Peitz
DOP : Felix Leiberg
Editor : Lars Knorrn
Cast : Aleksandar Jovanovic, Hannah Ehrlichmann, Anne Schäfer, Malik Blumenthal & Lucas Englander


The son of a fairground painter Lars Knorrn grew up in various amusement parks around Germany. Self-taught in filmmaking, Lars lived for six years in London, where his career as a commercial director began. His ambition moved him further to Paris, where he made his feature film debut SILHOUETTES, in which he critically explored observations from the advertising and fashion world. Today Lars lives in Berlin.


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