Synopsis : Set in present day Nashik, a city in Maharatshtra on the banks of the river Godavari, the film is the story of a grumpy landlord and his family members who have to cope with two deaths: one they know about and another that they aren’t prepared for. This sets the landlord on a spiritual journey, starting his relationship with the Godavari River. ‘Godavari’ is a deep philosophical exploration of life and death.

Director : Nikhil Mahajan
Producer : Blue Drops Films Pvt Ltd
Screenplay : Prajakt Dekhmukh, Mikhil Mahajan
DOP : Shamin Kulkarni
Editor : Hrishikesh Petwe
Cast : Jitendra Joshi, Gauri Nalawade, Vikram Gokhle


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This film screens as part of the program Ganga Putra Non-Feature Godavari (International Competition) feature
To buy tickets to this program click here
