Synopsis : Zero Se Restart is an endearing, entertaining and exhilarating story of an eccentric filmmaker as he discards all pre-conceived notions to make one of India’s most loved films of all time… 12th Fail – a film that no one wanted to make.
Director :
Jaskunwar Kohli
Producer :
Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Editor :
Jaskunwar Kohli & Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Cast :
Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Vikrant Massey and others
Jaskunwar Kohli started as a drone operator and BTS director on Shikara. Subsequently, he assisted Vinod on 12th Fail and was credited as the Co-Writer, Associate Director and Editor of the film. 12th Fail earned him several laurels for Editing and Screenplay. Currently he is directing and editing ‘Zero Se Restart’.