Synopsis : Wang Bing concludes his monumental Youth trilogy in expansive fashion, giving ever wider scope to the lives of migrant workers in Zhili’s textile factories. Centered around New Year’s break, when the workers are planning to visit their families in remote hometowns to celebrate the festivities, Homecoming functions as a sweeping portrait of contemporary rural China, incorporating images of tightly packed trains, buses climbing treacherous mountainside roads, and wedding celebrations for workers into its scenes of factory life.
Festival History : Venice Film Festival 2024, Toronto International Film Festival 2024, BFI London Film Festival 2024
Director :
Wang Bing
Producer :
Sonia Buchman, Mao Hui, Nicolas R. De La Mothe, Vincent Wang
Liu Xianhui, Song Yang, Ding Bihan, Shan Xiaohui, Maeda Yoshitaka,Wang Bing
Editor :
Dominique Auvray,Xu Bingyuan
Wang Bing is a leading figure of the documentary movement that has been gathering vital momentum within Chinese cinema. His work, which spans documentary, fiction, video installation, and shorts, has premiered and won awards at festivals such as Cannes, Venice, Berlin, and Locarno.