Synopsis : Inspired by the true story of a group of journalists from the International Life Department of Czechoslovak Radio who risked everything to provide independent news coverage during the turbulent year of 1968, when Soviet troops invaded Czechoslovakia under the guise of “brotherly assistance.” Epic in both length and scope, Waves embraces defiance and heroism in the face of an oppressive regime, and champions the eternal themes of love, morality, and hope.
Festival History : Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2024
Awards : Audience Award, Karlovy Vary Film Festival 2024
Director :
Jiří Mádl
Producer :
Monika Kristl
Screenplay :
Jiří Mádl
Martin Žiaran
Editor :
Filip Malásek
Cast :
Vojtěch Vodochodsky, Tatiana Pauhofová, Vojtěch Kotek, Stanislav Majer, Martin Hofmann, Petr Lněnička
Jiri Madl is a Czech actor, scriptwriter and director. He graduated from the University of J. A. Comenius, and subsequently studied screenwriting at the New York Film Academy. He is the youngest actor to win a Crystal Globe for Best Actor In The Leading Role at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Waves (Viny) is Madl’s third feature film, and has been selected as the Czech Republic's official entry for Best International Feature Film at the 97th Academy Awards.