Synopsis : When Opportunity Knocks the Recruiter's Door "is a short film that follows the journey of Rekha, a highly skilled professional who happens to be a wheelchair user. Despite her exceptional qualifications and experience, Rekha faces discrimination when officials hesitate to recruit her upon seeing her on a wheelchair during the appointment letter presentation. However, their boss intervenes, advocating for equal opportunities and inclusion in the workplace. With his guidance and support, Rekha is finally recruited. Over time, she proves herself to be an invaluable asset to the organization, eventually rising to a senior level position abroad. Through Rekha's story, "When Opportunity Knocks the Recruiter's Door" highlights the importance of embracing diversity and creating an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their functional abilities, can thrive and contribute to the success of the organization. Note: The character of Rekha was portrayed by an actor who is also a wheelchair user.
Director :
G Bhargava Rao
Producer :
Madhavi Latha Prathigudupu
Screenplay :
G Bhargava Rao & Madhavi Latha P
Hindu Lal
Editor :
G Bhargava Rao
G. Bhargava Rao is an accomplished filmmaker with a rich background in the media and entertainment industry. He founded FinalDraft in 2023, focusing on event planning and promotion. Rao's career spans over two decades, showcasing his versatility as a director, ad film maker, and audio expert. He has held pivotal roles, including CEO of bGroup-amsc and Cluster Head at Big 92.7fm. His work encompasses documentary production and storytelling centered around significant causes. With a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering and a Third Degree Masters in Audio, Rao is now poised to make his mark in mainstream filmmaking, bringing a unique and passionate perspective to the screen.