
Synopsis : A funeral car cruises the streets of Medellín, while a young director tells the story of his past in this violent and conservative city. He remembers the pre-production of his first film, a B-movie with ghosts. The young queer scene of Medellín is cast for the film, but the main protagonist dies of a heroin overdose at the age of 21. ‘Anhell69’ explores the dreams, doubts and fears of an annihilated generation and the struggle to carry on making cinema.

Festival History : Venice International Film Critics’ Week

Director : Theo Montoya
Producer : Bianca Oana, David Hurst, Theo Montoya & Juan Pablo Castrillon
Editor : Matthieu Taponier, Delia Oniga, Theo Montoya
Cast : Alejandro Hincapié, Camilo Machado, Alejandro Mendigaña, Julián David Moncada

Theo Montoya

Theo Montoya, (b. 1992, Colombia) is an Audiovisual Communication graduate from University of Medellín. He’s the founder and director of Desvio Visual, a production house dedicated to the creation of experimental films and documentaries. In 2018, he won the Cinematographic Development Fund of Colombia with his documentary short ‘Son of Sodom’.

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